Office hours are 10:00am - 3:00pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Closed on Wednesdays
All appointments can be made by phone
by calling (208) 529-4673
Our story
CLUB, Inc. has been providing vital housing services in the Idaho Falls/Ammon community since 1988. We continue to provide services our founders envisioned: housing and support for our most vulnerable citizens - those that are or would become homeless. We continue to provide multiple rental properties for low-income members of our community. CLUB, Inc. has also developed other critical housing services over the years to prevent people from becoming homeless.
Help us support local families and individuals in need.
Your Generosity makes our work possible
We participate in the Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program. Login to your Fred Meyer/Smiths account, go to the Community Rewards Program page and either search for CLUB, Inc. or type in the ID# KX572.